Monday, August 30, 2010

We're gonna need a bigger boat!

Every now and again I get a wild hair. My last wild hair of major significance to was provide HIV Testing at General Assembly last year in Indianapolis. I have to say the whole thing came off pretty good! If you were in Indianapolis you may have even made it to our small AIDS Healing Service on Sunday morning.

Recently I had another wild hair. I was having a meal with Patti Case and Kaye Edwards in Oklahoma City while attending the National Convocation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). As Patti and Kaye pecked at their food (is there ANY wonder how they stay looking so good?) and I inhaled mine I managed to wonder aloud between bites who we might find to preach at this years AIDS Healing Service. A few names were tossed around the table and Kaye said, "What about Bill Lee"? I have to admit, Dr. Lee had been first on my list but I dared not speak it aloud. "Could I get that lucky?" I asked aloud and Patti deadpanned, "Why don't you ask him, he's sitting right behind you".

Now if you know Patti at all you know she loves to have a little fun every now and again so I turned around half expecting to see an empty chair and there sat Dr. Lee.
Ever so gracious, ever so kind, Dr. Lee agreed. I thanked him profusely and returned to my table thinking..... "We're gonna need a bigger boat!"

Last year my minister, Rebecca Zelensky was gracious enough with her time to preach for me in Indianapolis. She did a fantastic job and the whole service was moving and brought tears to my eyes. Our service was small, we had a room near the main entry to the Convention Center and around 40 people in attendance.

This year I have Dr. Bill Lee, Past Moderator of the Christian Church (DOC) and one of my favorite voices within the wider church.... we're gonna need a bigger boat for this fish!

After many weeks of wishing and hoping and praying I heard on Friday that the General Assembly planning team has agreed to allow us use of Plenary Hall on the Sunday morning of Assembly in Nashville!

Pray for us as we begin planning this service!

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